Staffing agencies, also known as employment agencies, play a central role in bringing employers and potential employees together. As an intermediary, they provide a crucial service, but it is important that these companies understand and follow the relevant rules and laws to ensure fairness and transparency. In this article, we will go through some of the most important rules and laws for staffing agencies in Sweden.

Laws on working conditions

Working conditions in temporary work agencies are governed by a variety of laws and regulations, but two of the most basic are the Employment Protection Act (LAS) and the Working Time Act.

Employment Protection Act (LAS)

LAS plays a central role in regulating working conditions within all employers, including temporary employment agencies. This law protects employees' rights in the workplace and creates obligations for the employer. LAS provides rights such as protection against arbitrary dismissal and abuse of fixed-term contracts. For example, under the LAS, employees have the right to a notice period, and employers can only terminate an employment contract on objective grounds. It also regulates the use of fixed-term contracts, which must be converted into permanent contracts after a certain period of time.

It is important that staffing agencies are aware of these rules, as violations can result in claims for damages from the worker. Moreover, these obligations cannot be waived by collective agreements or individual contracts.

Working Time Act

Another important law to consider is the Working Time Act. This law limits the maximum working time to 40 hours per week for full-time employees. It also includes rules on breaks and rest periods, as well as the right to paid annual leave.

If a collective agreement is applied, some exceptions can be made, but it is important to note that overall working hours must not exceed what is healthy for the worker. For example, a collective agreement may allow more flexibility in the arrangement of working time, but it must not result in the worker working unreasonably long shifts or having too little rest time.

The Working Time Act protects the health and safety of workers by ensuring that they receive adequate rest and recovery. Temporary work agencies that do not comply with these rules risk fines and may be liable for damages resulting from violations.

These laws are central to maintaining a fair and safe working environment for all workers. It is therefore essential that staffing agencies are well aware of these laws and actively work to meet their obligations.

Obligations under the Temporary Agency Workers Directive

The Temporary Agency Workers Directive is an important EU regulation governing the temporary agency sector and has been transposed into Swedish law by the Temporary Agency Workers Act (2012:854). The Directive and the transposed law impose specific requirements on temporary work agencies to ensure fair working conditions for temporary workers.

The principle of equal treatment

A key aspect of the Temporary Agency Workers Directive is the principle of equal treatment. This principle means that temporary agency workers should have the same basic working and employment conditions as they would have if they were employed directly by the company where they perform their work (temporary agency). This includes, but is not limited to, pay, working hours, overtime, breaks, rest periods and paid holidays.

This means that if a temporary worker performs the same work as a direct employee in the hiring company, they should receive the same pay and other benefits as the direct employee. This principle applies regardless of whether the hiring employer is bound by a collective agreement or not.

The application of the Temporary Agency Workers Directive

Temporary work agencies should carefully compare the working conditions applied to their employees with those applied to employees performing the same work in the user undertaking. They should regularly review these conditions to ensure that they remain in line with each other, especially if the conditions of the direct employee change.

Companies must also ensure that their employees are fully aware of their rights under the PWD. This may involve providing written information on their rights, as well as providing information on any collective agreements that apply in the workplace.

Failure to comply with the PWD can lead to serious consequences, including potential legal and financial penalties. This is why it is so important for staffing agencies to have a strong understanding of the Directive and its requirements. When they do this, they not only meet their legal obligations, but also ensure that they operate in a fair and ethical manner.

Responsibility for the work environment

The Working Environment Act provides the basis for the health and safety responsibilities and obligations of all employers, including temporary work agencies, to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. For temporary work agencies, this means that they need to pay particular attention, as they often send their employees to different workplaces.

Safety and health at work

First of all, temporary work agencies are responsible for ensuring that their employees work in a safe and healthy environment. This means that the company must ensure that the workplace meets the applicable safety standards and that risks of ill health and accidents are minimized. This can include providing the necessary protective equipment, ensuring access to appropriate sanitary facilities and providing training on work-related risks.

Managing work-related stress

Staffing agencies are also obliged to address work-related stress and to offer support to employees who experience it. They must be proactive in identifying and managing stressors in the workplace, as well as offering resources such as counseling or referrals to external support services if needed. This means actively engaging with workers to understand their needs and address any problems they may be experiencing.

Monitoring and improvement

Another important part of health and safety responsibility is to continuously monitor and improve the work environment. Staffing agencies should carry out regular health and safety assessments and incident reports to identify any problems or risks. If problems are identified, it is the company's responsibility to take prompt action to address them.

Temporary work agencies have a profound responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for their employees. When they fulfill these obligations, then staffing agencies not only comply with the law, but also promote the well-being and productivity of their employees.

The regulatory framework for collective agreements

Collective agreements are a central part of Swedish working life. They are agreements between employer organizations and trade unions that define the conditions of employment and work. For staffing agencies, this means a range of obligations and responsibilities.

Conclusion of collective agreements

First of all, temporary work agencies can choose to conclude collective agreements with the relevant trade unions. When a temporary agency enters into a collective agreement, it becomes bound by the terms and conditions of the agreement. This can include everything from wages and working hours to health and safety and employment protection.

Comply with the collective agreement

Once a temporary agency has concluded a collective agreement, it is legally obliged to comply with it. This means that the company must ensure that all its workers are given the rights and benefits guaranteed by the agreement. If a company does not comply with its collective agreement, it can be subject to dispute resolution and potentially have to pay damages.

Informing employees about their rights

In addition, temporary work agencies have an obligation to inform their employees about their rights and obligations under the collective agreement. This may involve providing copies of the agreement, explaining how it works, or answering questions from employees about the agreement.

Management of disputes

Temporary work agencies may have to deal with disputes that arise in relation to the collective agreement. If a dispute arises, for example about the interpretation of a particular provision of the agreement, the company may need to engage in dispute resolution procedures, which may include mediation or arbitration.

Points to remember: Key rules and laws for temporary work agencies

For staffing agencies, there are several key laws and regulations to keep in mind. Below are some of the most important points:

  1. Complying with applicable laws: Temporary work agencies should strictly comply with laws such as the Employment Protection Act (LAS) and the Working Time Act. These laws set basic requirements for the working conditions and rights of employees.
  2. Complying with the Temporary Agency Workers Directive: Under this EU Directive, temporary agency workers must be guaranteed the same working conditions as they would have had if they were employed directly by the agency. This includes the right to the same pay, working hours and paid holidays.
  3. Taking responsibility for the work environment: Under the Work Environment Act, employers have a responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. This means that the company must actively work to prevent ill health and accidents in the workplace.
  4. Complying with collective agreement rules: If the agency is bound by a collective agreement, it must comply with this agreement in all details. This includes informing its workers of their rights and obligations under the agreement.

To run a successful and responsible staffing agency, it is important to carefully follow these rules and laws. Not only does this ensure that the company meets its legal obligations, but it also helps to create a working environment that is fair, transparent and responsible. Moreover, it can improve the company's reputation and relationships with both workers and customers, which can contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of the industry.